Friday, July 31, 2009

Is my baby toe broken, or just bruised. I need to know ASAP b/c I'm going to camp in 2 weeks?

Well, I just came back from out of town and i was unpacking yesterday when i tripped over my suitcase and stubbed my baby toe really hard on the handle. It hurt REALLy bad for the first 30 min, and now it is subdued. It doesn't hurt if i don't move my toe, and it doesn't even hurt to walk really. It feels a little stiff and awkward, it doesn't hurt unless something touches my toe. It is a little bit swollen on the lower part of my baby toe, but no discoloration. However, it hurts like Craaazy if i move my baby toe up, down, or to the side. I can wiggle it, but not all the way around. It feels weird in shoes so i'm wearing a flat-footed orthopedic shoe right now, and i've been resting, icing etc. But I'm really worried, because I'm going to camp in two weeks and its horseback riding and requires exertion. What should i do, and do you think that my toe will heal on time, and whether i should get it checked out?

Is my baby toe broken, or just bruised. I need to know ASAP b/c I'm going to camp in 2 weeks?
A doctor can not do that much for a pinky toe, as in splinting it. He can make sure that it's aligned properly though!

If you tape it, don't tape it too tightly; toes and fingers can be taped to the one next to it for support but always make sure you don't cut off circulation in such a thin digit, and don't push it too tightly to the one next to it or it'll grow crooked.

A good home remedy for bad bruises and small broken bones, as long as the skin isn't broken, is comfrey; take some of the root, grate it, put a little cold water on top and let it sit for a few hours, it should get a bit slimy. Then put the slimy stuff on the broken bone for example with a thin cloth or just tissue paper. The comfrey will help it heal and also if the cloth or paper is thin enough it'll harden as it dries so it'll give a little support as if it's a very thin cast. They used this for all breaks in Medieval times, today I'd definitely recommend a doctor for larger breaks but it's still good for these nasty small breaks the doctor can't splint much better even now.

It still takes a while to heal though, the first pain goes down pretty quick but it'll be several weeks before it's completely better. No matter what you put on it, bones take a while to grow back together.
Reply:You are doing everything right! but I would still check it out, go to the dr and they can do x-rays and give their opinion. It sounds broken to me, but im only a medical assistant and a nurse aide. When I was little i stubbed my pinkie toe and went to the dr a week later to find out that it not only broke my toe it fractured my foot as well. They put a cast on and 4 weeks later is was much better. I would go to the doctor if i was you! feel better! good luck and God bless!
Reply:The doctor will really do nothing for a broken toe if it is. It sounds like it could be broken or badly jammed. They both hurt bad. I KNOW I broke my big toe by stubbing it, it hurt like heck for 2 weeks really bad. Had to walk on the side of my foot. Then it hurt alot for the next 4 weeks or so. I still have trouble with it now and again if I'm on my feet alot. So all you can do is keep doing what you are doing and hope for the best. Good luck and take care of that toe!
Reply:I couldn't say whether it is broken or not. My suggestion would be to tape it to the toe next to it. That is what a doctor is going to do if you go to see one and it is broken. Sounds like you are doing the right things otherwise. Just take it easy on the toe until your trip, and you should be fine.


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