Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby has dropped and now i'm having

i'm 34 weeks pregnant and i've been getting sharp pains on both sides of my lower abdomen. i was getting pains usually on my right side but now it's on both and more intense. today i have also noticed the baby has dropped and my belly isn't as high. it's easier to breathe but harder to put on my shoes. anyone know what is going on? and is this a sign that the baby is coming soon or is it just something that happens?


no smart *** answers


only answer if you have a clue of what you are talking about

very much appreciated


Baby has dropped and now i'm having
For heaven's sake, contact your doctor. If you are pregnant and having intense pains, why on earth are you fooling around with Answers?!

This is not a smart aleck answer, it is sincere concern about you. And I do have a clue about what I'm talking about since I've been pregnant. So congratulations to you and your baby - looks like you may be meeting face to face soon. :)
Reply:I am 30 weeks now, with my 4th baby this is actually normal. You will probally have the baby in about two weeks happened to me every time. The pains are what they call braxton hicks contractions, which are false they are preparation for the real thing. You will definately know when it's time. Just be light on your feet and cosume a lot of water, the water will stop the pain.
Reply:Could still be weeks. At least you can breath now. If she comes now she will be just fine anyway. the pains are probably just stretching of the uterus. Good Luck! have fun the last few weeks.
Reply:This happens often during the stages of pregnancy. It could be a sign that your child is due soon, or it could simply be Braxton Hicks contractions. Always check with your OB if you are concerned.
Reply:you said only answer if you have a clue what you're talking about

i'm no expert this is just an opinion

but the baby dropping at 34 weeks sounds pretty early to me

the sharp pains are due to the baby having dropped

different women experience different things throughout pregnancy

and unfortunately for some, the baby's engagement into the pelvis is extremely uncomfortable and makes getting around much more difficult

the swelling of your feet probably results from the baby's pressure which is cutting off blood flow therefore making blood go to your feet slower so they swell

i would still ask your doctor about everything

and have them check to make sure your baby is in the proper position

because if he/she dropped and isnt in the right position that could be a problem
Reply:that started happening to me recently.. as I am 36.5 wks pregnant.. the sharp pains HURT!! huh? I was worried too, but it's completely normal.. it's nice to be able to breathe, too, but I'm not sure if it's a fair trade for the sharp

but, from what I read, if this is your first pregnancy, the baby can engage, and then disengage again and go back and forth until birth happens.. so don't get too comfortable.. lol


oh and this is just something that happens.. YES it means the baby is getting ready to come, but it will still be weeks until you go into labor, I'm sure.. babies tend to drop a while before labor.

good luck and congrats!
Reply:I will be 39 weeks on Tuesday with my third. I know exactly what you mean. I am 3 centimeters dialated and impatiently waiting to go into labor. I think that the doctor will induce me at my dr. appt on Monday though. Anyways, the baby has now decended into your pelvis and has dropped. You may be starting to dialate now. If your braxton hicks contractions are comign on more then this is what is helping you to dialate before labor actually kicks in. I have a h*ll of a time with my shoes too, so most of the time i just tuck in my shoe laces! lol Good luck and congrats.
Reply:ask the doctor or mid wife. sounds like it might be on the way
Reply:this is what happens in the 3rd tr

acne care

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