Saturday, July 25, 2009

Preparing for baby??

Anyone know of any websites that have a detailed list of what type of items I'll need before baby gets here? The biggest problem that I'm facing now is the clothing issue. Since babies grow faster than I can tie my shoes, I don't want to end up with too many month specific items. The items that I've purchased so far are 6/9 or 12 months( only because I can't pass up a deal!!) We've received several bags of clothes from friends and family. I'm in the process of washing everything and I've already counted at least a dozen 0/3 sleepers. How many is too many? Baby will not be going to daycare or a babysitters. He'll be a winter baby and will basically be in pjs for the first few months.

Preparing for baby??
You can never have too many clothes. You should have at least a dozen of everything, in varietys. Thats what all my books suggest, you can have more..but wouldnt have less. Goodluck
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