Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dream Interpretation - Hitch-hiking Baby in the Desert...?

I had a dream the other night that has been haunting me. In the dream, I was driving down a desert road on my way to a baby shower. I was driving a really big SUV. On the side of the road, there was a baby about 7 or 8 months old. He was hitch-hiking. I slowed my speed down just enough to see that he had his thumb out and he looked really sad. He wore a diaper with a safety pin holding it together, no shoes, no blanket nothing else. I drove right past the baby, because I was afraid to pick him up, but I couldn't figure out why. As I drove away, I looked in my rear view mirror and felt really sad as the baby continued to stand there with his thumb out waiting to be picked up by the next motorist. At that point I woke up and I have been puzzled by this dream ever since.

Dream Interpretation - Hitch-hiking Baby in the Desert...?
baby = need your help, protection.

hitch-hiking = seeking for support

desert = dry place, unpopular desire

You probably are into some sort of guilt conscience. You are in the midst of making decision whether you should help someone that is less fortune or less powerful than you are. Having baby projected in your dream is to show you that you are given opportunities to help people. However, you are refusing it because of some reason. It could be because of guilt or you are evading from responsibilities. Baby in the dream symbolizes help is seeking for you. You subconsciously think that you are afraid because there is some guilt conscience in you. Perhaps you are afraid to risk in reality.
Reply:have you been thinking about adopting a baby lately?
Reply:That is very odd, but most dreams are, maybe you feel like you need to help a child or you are wanting a child. Is someone you know in need of assistance? In any event, I bet it is something that would bother me also.

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