Saturday, July 25, 2009

Transverse baby???

Hi im 31 weeks pregnant and am quite petite, i even have to wear kids size shoes!! My midwife is concerned because the baby is in trasverse lie position and she thinks this is because baby has got no room to turn around. What will happen week by week as she gets bigger inside me im a bit confused as what the outcome is going to be!!

Transverse baby???
You may need to have a c-section if the baby doesn't turn. They may try to manually turn the baby. They will put gel on your belly, and MAY give you relaxers to relax your cervix and the muscles and then they will push and turn on your belly and try to get the baby to turn around and they will watch on a sonogram to make sure that everything is okay and this procedure is most likley to be done in the operating room that way if there is any problems and the baby needs out in an emergency then can just go ahead and do it. GOOD LUCK i hope it turns for you.
Reply:If she dosen't turn and can't be manually turned you will need a c section. I don't think your babys position will hurt her if thats what your worried about.
Reply:Ouch youl need a c- section for def. My boy was breech so i had to have a elective c section.
Reply:i know you said that there isn't enough room for your baby to move from the transverse position but you could try being on all fours, lying over a birthing ball, i was told this when my 2nd baby was breach and she turned to head down good luck PS if she doesn't turn you will need to have a c-section don't worry you'll be holding your baby very soon.
Reply:Yep, as mentioned, you can't give birth safely to a transverse lie baby.

Unless the midwife or doctor can use external manipulation which is basically having two people on opposite pushing/pulling like crazy on your abdomen to get the baby to move into a heads-down position, you will end up with a C-section.
Reply:Your baby still has lots of time to turn. Transverse babies are uncommon apart from in women who have had lots of children because their uterus is a funny shape.

Try not to worry.

Do some research on optimal fetal positioning on the internet - this shows easy techniques for encouraging the baby into the correct position.

books title c

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