Friday, July 31, 2009

Shoes solutions for pregnant swollen feet.?

I work at a hospital and moved to a desk job in my third trimester because I was unable to be on my feet for 12 hour shifts anymore.

For the past week I have not been able to put any of my shoes on and I have resigned myself to flip-flops because I cannot wear anything else with the exception of slippers.

Today one of the department managers approached me and told me I had to wear shoes at work, not flip flops. I told him none of my shoes fit me and that I have been shopping for shoes and I can't find any that don't have a heel or that fit my feet. I even went barefoot to my baby shower for this reason. He continued to insist that I cover up my feet because it is a safety hazard if something falls on my feet. I told him I don't know what to do and offered to change to slippers but he said it wasn't safe.

I'm really upset and I feel like I am being harrassed but I am open to suggestions on how to deal with my dilemna. I am 35 weeks and my last day at work is 3/29.


Shoes solutions for pregnant swollen feet.?
By law he cannot fire you for wearing whatever shoes you choose during pregnancy. You are pregnant and are protected by law, and if the shoes that you are wearing are due to your pregnancy, then he cannot do anything, especially this close to your leave of absence. Go and talk to human resources, they will put a stop to his harassment. I had a similar situation at the hospital I worked at while pregnant. I was late for work one day because I had a bad case of morning sickness and was 15 min late for work. My boss tried to write me up for it. I marched straight to human resources and explained the situation, they called my boss and told her to rip up the paperwork if she didn't want to deal with the consequences. They explained to her that she could not reprimand her employees for anything that is pregnancy related. In the hospital I worked in I could wear hospital clogs. I had a pair that was Birkenstock brand and super comfortable and come in black which will go with your clothes more. If nurses and techs and doctors are allowed to wear them, then why not you! You have only a couple of weeks left. If you have to get a note from your doctor saying that you can only where these types of shoes. Then they cannot do or say anything about it.
Reply:All the hosipital workers I see where crocs. Go to their website, there are now tons of styles. Also lots of stores like payless have imitation ones. They come pretty wide and roomy.

There are also foods to relieve swelling, like watermelon, cucumbers - suprisingly the food with lots of water, and watch your salts.
Reply:I ended up wearing those rubbery shoes that were all the rage last summer (Crocs). You can get some at Payless for about $15/pair.
Reply:I wore those slippers with the rubber soles in a size larger than my regular shoe.
Reply:Unfortunately he's right, it is a safety hazzard, and I"m surprised he didn't say a health hazzard. Any way I ran into this problem too with my last two babies. What I did was buy some Cobbie Cuddlers. They just slip on and I got them in a wide width. Believe me my feet were HUGE!! and I have wide feet to begin with!! I got my shoes at Kmart I believe it was. I also worked where I had to be on my feet for hours at a time. It's a shame they can't give you a break since you are so close to your leave. I'm mom to 3.
Reply:I was on my feet 8+ hours when I was pregnant and my feet were very swollen. I switched to Crocs from Payless Shoes...They helped a lot! Good luck.
Reply:have you tryed crocks? there light weight and very roomey lots of people at hospitals ware them
Reply:i am also 35 weeks pregnant and my feet have been swollen for the past week and a half!

i finally broke down and bought some compression socks. they didn't magically make the swelling dissappear but they did help. i found them at walmart next to the regular socks...they are for people with poor circulation and diabetes. My OBGYN recommended them to me (cost about $4.00).

also...i wear the spongey shoes with the holes on the top and strap across the back. they are made by airwalk (basically generic "crocs"). i got mine at Shopko for about $10.00. they are pretty "stretchy" and are the only shoes i can fit into right now!

good luck :(
Reply:Well #1 you are probably allowed to wear flip flops. I worked in a kitchen and a guy there had to get stitches in his foot (I forget why) and he was allowed to wear flip flops because of his temporary medical condition.

Otherwise moccasins are technically shoes ;)
Reply:just buy a normal pair of shoes a half size bigger than you're used too .. and buy them in "wide width".

get cheap ones from payless.

good luck! God bless!

acne scar

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