Monday, April 20, 2009

For people who already have had a baby :] Do I have everything I need?

My baby boy is due in May, here%26#039;s a list of what I have so far, am I missing anything?

.Clothes (onsies, sleepers, socks, mittens, sweaters, pants, hats, soft shoes)

.Blankets, bath towels, wash cloths

.Baby products (oil, wipes, lotion, soap, powder, cream, q tips etc.)



.Diaper bag (already packed :])

.Crib (sheets, mobile, positioner...)

.Changing table




.Car mirror and shades

.Baby safety set (nail clippers, thermometer, baby medicine...)

.Baby book and photo albums


.Baby bathtub

.Toy chest (full of toys)

.Bottles and breast pump

Things I haven%26#039;t bought yet and are pretty sure I am going to are:

.High chair

.Gates for his playroom

.Pillow for breastfeeding

.Contents for overnight bag for the hospital, I have the bag with a few things in it...but not everything yet.

Am I forgetting anything? I thinks that%26#039;s everything..

Thanks :]

For people who already have had a baby :] Do I have everything I need?
I agree with everything Arlene G said. It sounds like you have pretty much everything covered for the baby so don%26#039;t forget about yourself. This is coming from experience because no one even told me to take any of those things for myself. My poor husband was always having to run to the store for extra things.

I would suggest bringing something to keep all the paperwork in. You will have lots and it%26#039;s so easy to just put them in one place so you aren%26#039;t worried about losing or forgetting them.

Also have some healthy snacks for when the baby comes home because I know I wasn%26#039;t able to eat for more than 5 mins at a time :). Escpecially because she had colic.

You might want to get some baby gas drops just in case.

And this is a personal choice but I now have a wrap for the baby and wish I had looked into them sooner so maybe you could check out those. But other than that it seems as if you are all set. Congratulations!
Reply:Maybe a baby monitor?? Even if baby is going to be sleeping in your room for awhile, it%26#039;s nice to have when they%26#039;re napping during the day, so you can get other things done around and house, and still be able to hear when he%26#039;s up....but your list so far is pretty complete, kudos!! And congratulations!!

Only other things I can think of would be maybe a baby sling or carrier?? The baby sling was a life saver with my last baby....
Reply:Sounds like you have everything you might possibly need. Honestly, I didn%26#039;t use everything I had and I think I had everything you do.
Reply:Get a sling or wrap (or both!). You won%26#039;t regret it!
Reply:You%26#039;ve got the baby better than covered. But you forget yourself.

Most people do. Which is why I always buy gifts for the new mother instead of baby clothes.

The breast feeding pillow is good but I%26#039;d recommend a body pillow, too. Even if you have the easiest delivery in the world you are going to be sore. A body pillow is a great thing for supporting all those achey bits and using between your knees.

You also need a donut pillow. And Tucks medicated pads. The achiest bit is going to be your very thing and it is going to love you if you treat it tenderly by sitting on that donut pillow and putting a nice cool Tucks pad in your undies to take the sting out.

I don%26#039;t know what you have in your bag but you must have pajamas. Not some fiddley nursing gown with bows and ribbons...but a pair of comfortable sweat pant type pants (better to keep those humongous pads for the after bleeding in place) and a top that buttons down the front for easy access.

If you are a bath type of person then get yourself lots of smelly girly bath salt type things, too.

And snack food. Nursing is going to make you hungry. And hospital food sucks as much as it ever did. Stock up or make a list for your husband for when the event happens.

Ice packs would be a good thing to have on hand, too. Your breasts are going to swell up like balloons when your milk comes in and for some people this is not a pleasant experience. For some people (like me all 5 times) is hurts like and SOB and feels like I%26#039;m carting around a couple of bruised boulders. You could get lucky there though.

That%26#039;s about all I can think of. Good luck.
Reply:bottle sterilizer (microwave steamer) comes in handy unless you want to boil them all the time.... , you do have covers for the changing table pad, right? Boppy makes a great one sold at with a quick clean middle so you dont have to wash the whole thing when it gets dirty.....
Reply:Definitely get a cool mist humidifier. It%26#039;s the best thing for baby%26#039;s little stuffy noses. Also, breast pads, lanolin, sterilizer (Medela makes a great sterilizing bag that can be used like 10 times... You fill it with 2 oz. of water and your pump parts or bottles, stick it in the microwave, and ta-da - sterilized!), Medela quick clean wipes for pumping anywhere where you can%26#039;t immediately wash the pump parts, a ring sling or wrap or mei tai, and don%26#039;t forget your boppy! That was my lifesaver when in the hospital. You%26#039;re so sore that bending in different ways can really hurt and the Boppy really helps.
Reply:I would say you have more than enough, lol. Only things I can think of is lots of diapers and wipes! You may also want to get a cool mist vaporizer or humidifier, helps the baby breath easier. Maybe you should also check into some baby medicines. At Walmart, they have a little kit that has things such as infant tylenol, mylicon drops and diaper rash ointment. All of that stuff comes in very, very handy. Good luck with the baby!!
Reply:Wait until your baby arrives to get anything else. Your baby will have his/her own likes and dislikes and you don%26#039;t want to be left with a lot of things you won%26#039;t use. For example, some babies only like one brand of bottles/teats and others don%26#039;t like a swing or bouncer. There is an endless amount of baby merchandise available and you don%26#039;t need to buy all of it!
Reply:breast pads so you don%26#039;t leak through your clothes

baby hair brush
Reply:Here are a few things I wish I would have had or known about PRIOR to bringing my little girl home:

A SwaddleMe by Kiddopotomus – they make it so wonderfully easy to swaddle your little one (which they LOVE) and are only $10 at Babies R Us

Pack of cloth diapers or cheap receiving blankets to use as burping cloths

Little velcro booties – socks never stay on!

Gerber makes little newborn hats in a 3-pack which my daughter wears EVERY day (found them at K-Mart)

Depending on where you live, a cover for the carseat to protect baby from the wind or cold is great. Kiddopotomus also makes one that I ordered from Target

Boppy pillow for breastfeeding is great

Hope that helps! From one new mom to another!

BTW - You definitely won%26#039;t need a high chair yet. You%26#039;re not feeding solids until about 5 months, and a newborn can%26#039;t sit in those anyways. You have time to get that.
Reply:how about formula for those times when you are just too tied to express milk,and you will be


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