Sunday, April 19, 2009

Which shoes do you get Bronzed?

The very first shoes or the shoes the baby learns to walk in?

Which shoes do you get Bronzed?
Either one, but I think the shoes the baby learned to walk in - took their first steps - are the more common shoes for bronzing.
Reply:If you are someone like me BOTH.
Reply:This really is not common practice any more. It used to be the shoes they learned to walk in, but in my day they were leather ankle high baby boots. Today`s shoes are more like sneakers. I still have mine on a side table and they`re 60 years old.
Reply:It depends on the people. Some people only do the very first shoes or only the shoes that the baby learned to walk in. And then again some people do both. I am indecided on what we will do when my daughter gets to that point but I think we are going to do both.
Reply:I am going to bronze the first shoes my son walked in. They are special because of his first steps but you may have other reasons that your childs shoes are special. I think it is an individual thing not a rule. Plus, whichever ones you choose, they will be cute!
Reply:I have all of my shoes encased in platinum after I wear them out. See, here are my combat boots from the first time I played paintball. And these. WOW! The first time I got hammered in college and barfed on them. You can still see the texture of what looks to be macaroni.


1 comment:

  1. I've always thought there are 2 ways of looking at this. One is bronzing the actual first pair of shoes the baby wore. And the other is having the first shoes they WALKED in...bronzed.

    Also...the baby sneakers look amazing bronzed. Very cool to have out on display.

    Either sure you use a reputable company to bronze those little keepsakes. One with a satisfaction guarantee and many years of bronzing experience.

    I'm a little biased...but Id suggest American Bronzing Co.

    Worth checking out. :)
