Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is it normal to get broody straight after you've had a baby?

I just had my 2nd child..she%26#039;s 10 weeks old and just like with my 1st child I now want another! I didn%26#039;t jump straight in after I had my 1st fact I left it for 3 years as husband wasn%26#039;t ready....but now I have had my 2nd baby I keep thinking I want another....I know it would be silly to get pregnant now....but I am 35 and worry that if I leave it. then 2 will be it...I don%26#039;t feel ready to hang up my baby making shoes you think it very risky to have another child in about a year...when I am 36? I fall pregnant very easily and my sister had twins naturally at IVF.....they are fine...but I worry about the risks and I don%26#039;t do pregnancy well...I just love babies and children!

Is it normal to get broody straight after you%26#039;ve had a baby?
I totally empathise with you. I%26#039;ve 3 kids, 2 planned and the 3rd a complete surprise. She is 19 months old now and I get all broody again when i see newborns and pregnant women cos i just loved being pregnant. Hubby of course doesn%26#039;t want anymore as he is 42 yrs old now but I%26#039;m only 37 this year and it looks like i have to end the baby making days, never mind my daughter is 12 so maybe in 10yrs time or so she%26#039;ll make me a grandma.
Reply:Wow ur brave!! But if you are wanting more kids an your 35 then you should go for it.
Reply:I too felt broody pretty quickly after having my baby boy, who is now 10 months. I still do but am trying to hold off as long as possible as I don%26#039;t want the gap to be too small between my son and baby no 2!! I suppose it%26#039;s just a natural maternal feeling some women get, while others wouldn%26#039;t want to go through it again if you paid them!! I would say go for it. Don%26#039;t see why there should be a problem getting pregnant again so quickly. You will have your hands pretty full though when baby no 3 is here!! Good luck and I wish you all the best. x
Reply:lol, i know what you mean with all this. sweetie, you do what you and hubby want to do. there is so much technology now days that you probably wont have any issues. i bet all will be just fine. if thats what yall want, i dont see any reason not to go for it. good luck to you and God bless
Reply:Personally I believe that you still quite a few years of baby making left. My only story with this is my aunt had four boys when she was young. When her youngest one was 16 she had two healthy baby girls, one year appart from each other and she was 47 at the time.
Reply:I had my son when I was 27, my daughter when I was 33 and my second son 9 weeks ago when I was 37. I fell pregnant straight away each attempt.

My sister-in-law has just had her first babies (twin girls) at the age of 47.

I think the only age consideration is whether you are going to be around to support your children. My brother in law is 55 so he will be 73 by the time his daughters %26#039;come of age%26#039;. Even then they might need support through university etc so perhaps he won%26#039;t be around to see them graduate/marry. That, however, is looking on the bleak side of life. He might live to be 100!

I too feel a little broody so I can empathise with you on that score, especially as my son is an angel who rarely cries, can get himself off to sleep in the day and at night sleeps from 10pm until 7am. However, as I have NF1 (a genetic disorder) I have to consider the risk each time of conceiving a child with the same.

If you are fit, can afford it and want another then I say go for it. Just don%26#039;t become like the Duggars!
Reply:have another kid in a year or eaven earlyier good luck
Reply:i think you should go for it as soon as you feel ready as you never know what natures course is.
Reply:it might be hormones wait till the baby is like 10 months old and driving you crazy then you%26#039;ll probably say i want to wait! lol

maybe not though.....

After I had my first I though I wanted another one right away but then I waited and I thought much differently once my son was all over the place making me work double time!
Reply:go for it girl, the tick is clocking!!!
Reply:go for it

no parent is prouder than havin a big family. and if u feel ur husband and u can physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially can handle it thenYES! YES YES YES
Reply:Give yourself some time in between. I can say that the three year gap between my oldest was ideal and the 5 year gap between the 2nd and 3rd was great too.

I know I am in for it now that my 3rd will only be 20 months older than my 4th. I wish I would have waited at least 6 more months to get pregnant. Apparently there were other plans!

I think it is just hormones getting to you. You definitely still have time to at least wait until she is around a year to start trying again. You%26#039;re not too old--if your body can make %26#039;em then obviously you%26#039;re biologically ok. Wait the year, you%26#039;ll be happy you did!


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